Engage Clinical Psychology Services

High quality, timely, needs-led Clinical Psychology Service for Midlothian, Edinburgh and surrounding areas. Services for individuals, organisations and professionals seeking supervision. I offer individually tailored psychological assessment and therapy for adults aged 16 and above who are experiencing a whole range of psychological difficulties and mental health issues.

My specialist areas include psychological trauma of any kind, post natal depression and complicated grief. I also offer clinical supervision to psychologists, psychologists in training and psychological therapists, as well as a range of services for teams and organisations, such as reflective practice groups and facilitation of team development events.

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For Professionals

Clinical supervision is crucial in the provision of high quality psychological therapy.  Having a safe space and protected time to talk through clinical work including process issues and therapy technique is of paramount importance for therapists.  I have always valued and prioritised this myself. 

Since qualifying I have had supervision in psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive analytic therapy and also more generic clinical supervision, and often a combination of these at any one time. 

I am keen to offer supervision to qualified clinical and counselling psychologists, psychologists in training, psychological therapists and others who feel i may be well placed to help them develop their clinical practice.



Dr Emma Ducklin

t: 07722 008 657

e: info@engagepsychology.co.uk